

Special thanks to Dario "The Captain" for translations: every post will be translated and put in the comments.
If you find any mistake, relax and don't worry: italians can't manage spaghetti and foreign language at the same time!

This blog
Dear Friends,
unfortunately, because of lack of time we cannot answer in real time to all your kind txt and mails.
I realize that we are late two weeks  in that. Sometimes we can't answer to the phone calls, or call back in normal hours, if not at night, but we don’t desist: sooner or later we’ll answer! We are so sorry about that and We thank you for being so close to us. We feel it.
This blog wants to inform you on Nina’s journey, to share the joyous moments and the bad ones and, why not, to gather some money to face all the medical expenses the little one needs, so,  . . .  inform all your friends about this Blog, thank you!

Who we are
Nina: The “microbe” with soft cheeks and the nepalese eye. Doubts on the buddhist monk  that frequented the quarter in that period can arise .
She flirts with the child of the Pampers box and with all the male kind, demonstrating of just being  “femmena” (female).

Compulsive mother: Cynical, compulsive, stubborn and much “inkazzosa”. Famous her Chuck Norris style kick with which it seems she put in escape one Carcarhinus longimanus shark and silenced Daddy Velcro during the labour (Nina’s birth). But perhaps it’s just a metropolitan legend. As a balance with the “black” side, she does not know how to say no and she cryies as a baby watching Disney movies, even after the millionth time.  
Velcro Daddy: named so, because for his characteristic not to let go the babies (and more in general terms all the females) when he has them in his arms. Although known for thousands of good points that put in distress al the other “normal” dads, his only defect (to be the slowest man of the universe) fists with the compulsiveness of the Mother and her swiss organization. 
The Little Hooligan: 3 years old little sister of Nina, ZS Lion with Lion ascent (and this could be enough as a description…). Princesses, fairies and little diamonds have not taken foot with her. She’d better deal with swords, dinosaurs , killer whales , Lightning Mc Queen and pasta with bottarga (dried fish eggs). She says that once grown up she wants “to go on the rings” as Yuri Chechi (I swear!). 
Horizontal dog: the only dog in the world that succeeds to sleep 24/7, let  itself being beaten by cats and that  walks on the marble side of the sidewalk in order not to bathe its feet if it rained.  A deadly guard dog just because of his ”dead shell breath”.

Nina’s Story

It was a midsummer night
It was a dark and windy night
A night that myself, my mother and my dad will for ever remember…
After 10 never ending hours of labour, I arrived: distressed because of a elbow on the face, a very short umbilical cord and a nice blue colour.
They sent me in the incubator and after a breath crisis the “tubed” me. The later it get the worse, and I was transferred to the neonatology intensive therapy branch in Brescia Hospital where several aunties and uncles took care of me for long 44 days.
Apart the breathing problems that would be more than sufficient to make my life difficult, SURPRISE!!!
Doctors said I had a congenital genetic disorder: at the moment the most accredited theory sais that I suffer of OFD1 (Oral-Facial-Digital 1) that is being examined through a complex DNA exam at TIGEM in Naples, the only site in Europe that analyses this gene.
OFD1 syndrome hits 1 baby out of 250.000.
I could much easily win the lottery!
My clinical record is well fed, and includes :
  • Bilateral polycystic kidney disease and hipertension
  • Bilateral hypoacusis.
  • Pierre Robin sequence
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hypotonia
  • Two hearth diseases to be solved through surgery in few years’time
… hoping that no other bad news arrive !!!


Hey! I've got tons of bibs, but if you desire to present me another one as a gift, make the sum of it int the following account: We'll exange it in therapy hours, prothestis or special equipments that I actually need!


IBAN: IT98T0350011270000000014735


HOLDER: Isabella Moreschi (Nina's mother)

OBJECT: Donazione per Nina (Donation for Nina)

Don't forget to send us a message and leave your e-mail address: we would like to thank you!!!

Further info: